Stephen is a University Professor in the Virology Division. His lab uses biochemical, biophysical and cell-based techniques to investigate the mechanisms by which viruses alter the infected cell environment. Specifically, he is interested in understanding how viruses change the composition and architecture of intracellular membranes, and how they evade immune recognition by the host. This research provides fundamental insights into virus biology and virus:host interactions that underpins the development of future anti-viral therapies and virus-based biologics. Stephen obtained his PhD in bacterial enzymology from the University of Sydney in 2006 before trading sunshine for drizzle with postdoctoral placements in Oxford (structural virology, 2006-9) and Cambridge (eukaryotic membrane trafficking, 2009-12).
Stephen is committed to providing a scientific training environment that is diverse, supportive and intellectually stimulating, helping all team members extend themselves and achieve to the best of their ability. In 2018 he collaborated with the Wellcome Trust as part of their Researcher Stories initiative, where he discussed building a reesarch team. Read the full article at the Wellcome Trust website or watch the video below.