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Department of Pathology

Making Histological sections using the parrafin technique

Histology Service

The histology service for The Department of Pathology is located in room 212 of the main building. The histology technician is Louise facility is open to the members of the Department of Pathology as well as to external users.

Our histology facility is focused on routine histology services, including tissue processing, paraffin embedding, sectioning FFPE and frozen blocks, H&E and a selection of tinctorial stains. Project specific applications can be developed, please get in touch for further information.

The histology lab hours are:  Tuesday-Wednesday  8.30-16.30 and  Thursday  8.30-12.45

Services provided by the facility:

§  Tissue Processing and Paraffin Embedding

§  Sectioning: Frozen and Paraffin

§  H&E and Number of Special Stains

§  Vibratome Sectioning

§  Advise on Constructing Tissue Microarray

§  Training on Bookable Equipment.


A number of the instruments are accessible and can be booked:

§  Cryostat (Leica)

§  Electronic Microtome (Leica)

§  Manual Bright rotary microtome

§  Dewaxing and H&E station

Please contact the facility via email: to arrange the training and get access to the booking system.  

Contact and Samples submission:

The facility is run by highly experienced histologist Louise Turvill who has 38 years’ experience working within NHS, Research and CRUK histology laboratory settings.

For the new users – please arrange to meet and discuss your project for information on the appropriate collection and preparation of your samples before submitting them to the facility. This will ensure you get consistent reproducible results downstream.

Histology Request Form

Please email the filled in form to


Prices 2023:

PDF icon internal_histology_charges_january_2023.pdf