Our Research
Use of T-cells as a diagnostic tool in benign and malignant disease; digital image analysis; Assessment of the efficiency of diagnostic tools through large cohorts (UK Biobank).
- Dr Anna Fowler, Lecturer, Liverpool University
- Dr Bill Day, Roche Ventana, Tucson, Arizona, US
- Dr Carola Schönlieb, University of Cambridge
- Professor Graham Ogg, University of Oxford
- Professor Paul Klenerman, University of Oxford
- Dr Tom Littlejohns, Prof Naomi Allen, UK Biobank, University of Oxford
- Dr Gerald Langman and Ms Hollie Bancroft, Heart of England NHS Foundation Hospital Trust/ Birmingham University
- Dr Richard Colling, University of Oxford
- Dr Angela Hamblin, University of Oxford
- Dr Joy Archer, Cambridge University Veterinary School
- Dr Kate Hughes, Cambridge University Veterinary School
- Dr Jamie Blundell, University of Cambridge
- Dr Dan Hodson, University of Cambridge
Activities beyond research:
- Teaching Fellow and Preclinical Director of Studies, Churchill College, Cambridge
- University Lecturer for undergraduate (2nd/ 3rd year) and clinical (4th - 6th year) pathology
- Honorary Consultant Pathologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (haematopathology, molecular pathology & autopsy pathology)
- Honorary Associate Professor, University of Oxford
- External examiner for iBSc in Pathology, Queen Mary, University of London
- External examiner for University of Manchester MSc in Molecular Pathology
- Royal College of Pathologists Examiner
- Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland Committee Member
- Editor, Diagnostics
Key publications:
Publications on Pubmed (a small number are not indexed here)
Publications on Google Scholar
Dr Elizabeth Soilleux
Principal Investigator
Group Members