PaCIFiC houses a Leica EM GP2 for vitrifying (plunge-freezing) samples on grids, a Leica STELLARIS 5 cryo-confocal microscope, and a Glow Discharge Cleaning System optimized for cleaning TEM cryo grids, in addition to facilities for biological sample preparation (cell culture and infection with hazard group 2 pathogens).
Leica EM GP2
The EM GP2 can prepare grids for single particle analysis and vitrifying cells grown on electron microscopy grids for cryo-imaging.
- Automatic single- or multi-sided blotting
- Environmental control (temperature and humidity)
- Viewing system (Leica S9E) for accurate alignment
⬇⬇ Blotting in action ⬇⬇
STELLARIS 5 Cryo-Confocal
STELLARIS 5 Cryo is a cryo-confocal microscope system that helps you target your area of interest for cryo-electron tomography (CryoET). The STELLARIS Cryo gives you the precision to target reliably through the LAS X Coral Cryo software that allows for precise positioning of open format coordinate markers on a nanometer scale.
Technical Specifications:
- White light laser (485-790 nm) plus solid-state lasers (405 and 448 nm)
- 50× 0.9 NA cryo CLEM objective (HC PL APO 50x/0.90)
- Cryo-CLEM stage with liquid nitrogen reservoir
- 5 Power HyD detection channels
- Tau sense modality
- Lightning Confocal Super Resolution modality
- Transfer shuttle with cartridges for either bare grids or clipped grids
- Enclosed cover box to avoid ice contamination during grid loading/unloading
- K5 sCMOS camera for brightfield/reflection/epifluorescence grid mapping
- LAS X software (including Coral Cryo)
Glow Discharge Cleaning System
PELCO easiGlow™ is primarily designed for cleaning TEM grids and hydrophilization of carbon support films, which have the tendency to be hydrophobic.
A glow discharge treatment with air will make a carbon film surface negatively charged (hydrophilic) which allows aqueous solutions to spread easily.
Cell Culture & HG-2 Pathogenic Samples Preparation
- Access controlled facility (CL2) for the use of hazard group 2 pathogens
- Class 2 microbiological safety cabinet
- PHCBI multi-gas incubator (MCO-50M-PE IncuSafe)
- Temporary storage space (4°C and liquid nitrogen)
- Recirculating fume hood