Researchers at the Department of Pathology have access to outstanding facilities both within the Department and the University of Cambridge.
Our services include state-of-the-art equipment, technical advice, and training.
The facilities have an emphasis on quality and consistency and are vital in helping us deliver world-class research.
Having in-house technicians and experts in a range of widely-used technical areas helps researchers design and implement experiments efficiently and rigorously.
Pathogen Cryo-Imaging Facility in Cambridge (PaCIFiC)
The Pathogen Cryo-Imaging Facility in Cambridge (PaCIFiC) allows the preparation and high-resolution confocal cryo-microscopy analysis of vitrified samples.
PaCIFiC is a containment level 2 (CL2) facility that prepares and imagines non-hazardous and infectious samples.
High-throughput sequencing facility
Our High-throughput Sequencing Facility (also known as Cambridge Genomic Services (CGS)) is a sustainable self-funded core facility offering state-of-the-art genomics and sequencing technologies with computational biology and bioinformatics support.
The facility is located on the Tennis Court Road site and has the capacity for single-cell RNA-Seq library preparation, automated bulk sequencing library preparation, nucleotide quantification, and high-throughput sequencing.
Flow Cytometry
The Flow Cytometry facility at Pathology enables researchers to analyse the quantity and combination of proteins and other markers within single cells and separate cells based on these characteristics.
The facility has several flow cytometers, including a cutting-edge high-dimensional spectral flow cytometer and multiple cell sorters enabling the separation of cell populations based on multiple markers.
Download our Flow Cytometry services leaflet.
The Histology Facility within Pathology provides a range of histology services, including tissue processing, paraffin embedding, sectioning FFPE and frozen blocks, H&E and a selection of tinctorial stains, enabling researchers to analyse the structure and composition of tissues at a microscopic scale.
Our Microscopy Facility houses multiple microscopes with the primary aim of facilitating high-quality research. The facilities available aim to provide tools to investigate both live-cell and fixed samples in 2D, 3D and 4D.
It has the capacity to perform light microscopy on containment level two samples, permitting live-cell experiments to be performed on primary cells, organoids or infected samples.
In addition to several forms of light microscopy, the facility houses a transmission electron microscope (and associated equipment) for your ultrastructural needs.
Biomedical Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
This provides a quantitative way of measuring the thermodynamics of binding between purified biomolecules and/or chemicals in their near-native states by measuring the heat released or absorbed as the binding event occurs in the solution.
It has a fully automated MicroCal PEAQ-ITC instrument (Malvern Panalytical) capable of performing ITC experiments with automated cell cleaning and minimal manual handling.
Multiple experiments can be set up to run automatically over the course of a few hours to days.
The School of the Biological Sciences
The School has many research facilities, libraries and support services, which can be used by members.
Likewise, School members can access complementary facilities elsewhere in the University.
A complete listing of SBS facilities can be found here.