Normal working hours are 08:30 to 17:00 Monday to Thursday and 8.30 to 16:00 Friday.
If you are working at any other time you must have a permit signed by you, your supervisor and a copy sent to safety@path.cam.ac.uk
Risk Assessment Permit for Pathology
Department 'Lone and Out of Hours' Risk Assessment
University : Working out of hours guide
The risk involved with lone working is dependent on a number of factors.
These include the area you are working in, the work itself and, in certain circumstances, an individual’s medical health. Departmental core hours are between 08.30 and 17.00 Monday to Thursday and 08.30 to 16.00 on Friday. If you are working within these hours in an isolated area then you should notify your line manager/supervisor or laboratory manager. Lone working out of core hours should be discouraged if the work can be completed within core hours. Prior approval must be sought from your line manager/supervisor.
A risk assessment permit including additional hazards associated with lone working must be put in place before work can be begin. High risk activities such as dispensing liquid nitrogen must never be completed outside of core working hours and only when other persons are present. Operating workshop machinery must only be done within core hours or when another member of the workshop team is present. If working on your own outside of core hours, you must make use of the ‘buddy system’.
You need to make your supervisor aware of your location within the Department; the duration of your work, expected completion time and your contact telephone number. They can raise the alarm if they are concerned for your whereabouts and can do so by calling University Security on 01223 331818 or Addenbrooke’s Security 01223 586606. If you are working out of hours and are unable to make use of the buddy system, you must notify the Security Control Room (TCR x31818/Addenbrooke’s 01223 586606).
Provide them with the following details: • Name • Department • Location of Work – floor /area / room number/ building • Anticipated duration of work and completion time • Contact telephone number Inform the Security Control Room once you have finished your work and before you leave the Department. Update Security if you expect to be working longer than planned. If you don’t check-in with Security by the expected time, they will attempt to contact you by phone. If you cannot be contacted by phone they will check the security system to see if you have left the building. If you have not left the building, they will attend site in person. If the emergency services are required, telephone the security emergency control extension on x101 or call the emergency services directly on (9)999.
12 Areas of the Department with stricter access controls have a stricter lone working policy. You will be notified of these areas by your line manager/supervisor and will receive further training if necessary from the local laboratory manager.